June 29, 2014

Love Dendo [Missionary Work]


Family and friends!

This past week we had a Game night on Saturday! We expected a lot of people to come and it ended up being all of the kids from Eikaiwa haha! We went with it anyway and it turned out to be way fun!

The limbo was hilarious! The cookie on the face game was definitely my favorite! I was asked to demonstrate it first for everyone and got the cookie from my forehead into my mouth in 12 seconds! Try and beat that!!!
It was hilarious watching all the kids wiggle their little faces and the mom`s too!
We had a meeting with our district and drew pictures of everyone in the district. The first person starts with one feature of the face and it goes around in a circle. On the back of the paper every member of the district writes what they`re thankful for. It was a lot of fun and Konishi shimai`s picture was the best haha!
Yesterday we had a baptism for Rio Sato!! She is King shimai and Morita shimai`s investgator! It was an amazing baptism. She had waited over a year to get permission and her father and mother finally agreed to let her get baptized!
Today Konishi shimai and I had a lesson with our investigator Satomi who`s 16!!!
It was an amazing lesson and the Spirit  really guided the whole lesson. The miracle is just yesterday we got an unexpected txt from Satomi asking randomly to do a lesson today. That made me so happy because we`d been praying to meet her more. She`s taken the lessons since October 2013 and I really felt that she needed a Baptismal date.
I prayed this past week for her a lot that we could set a date. Well today, we set a baptismal date for July 27th!!!!!!!!!!!
I can`t even express how grateful I am for the Spirit! That lesson was completely by the Spirit! she just needs to get her father`s permission!
There will also be a baptism next Sunday; Mai chyan! She is 18 years old and too have waited a while to get her parents permission to be baptized.
Lots of amazing things are happening in Morioka and it`s all by the Lord!
Butler Shimai


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